Thursday 12 March 2015

Booby Traps!

This post doesn't have the slightest thing to do with spanking, but the clue is in the title.

I was reading Sarah's post (Clear as Mud) that she wrote whilst I was away on holiday. It got me thinking.

Ladies - what do you wear to keep your cherished possessions looking perky?

I am a bit of a bra collector myself. I dare not tell anybody the real number of knickers I possess, but I can reveal that my bra collection isn't far short of it. The snag is that as soon as I discover a beautiful, sexy and comfortable bra, they discontinue the line! 

It has got to the stage where if I find a bra that ticks all the boxes, I immediately rush out and buy several in different materials/colours while they are still available. It is so bad that I often have to sneak them into the house. Dan seems to think I can exist with just three: one to wear, one spare and one in the wash. Ha! What do men know?!

I am neither large nor small. My size must, however, be quite popular because I can rarely find a bra I like that fits me. They all seem to be snapped up like freshly baked cakes!

Just so you know (I am not at all shy) my size is 38C cup. I was once lulled into one of those Parisian-style lingerie shops that measure you and then sell you their most expensive item; they tried to tell me I was a 38DD - ha!!! It was so uncomfortable, and far too large. My boobs just slopped around and the thing nearly ended up under my left ear! I've never been back.

I always wear bras with bones. This is sometimes embarrassing going through airports as I am always searched, and the person doing the searching feels up my boobs and looks at me accusingly. One of these days I am going to strangle them with my bra!

I need the bones otherwise my boobs end up under my armpits. Why I should have boobs that desire to go off in opposing directions, I don't know. But there it is. Dan says that when I am putting on my bra I look as if I am trying to herd up cattle! Humph!

I also have, what Dan refers to, as Continental Nipples. 

You can use your imagination here, and they swell when I am cold, to the size of Chapel hat pegs (as we say in England). 

This means that if I wear anything even vaguely see-through, it is at my peril. 

This brings to mind a very memorable occasion when I was much younger. I forgot to put on a bra, went out shopping in our local town, and arrived home having stopped by to visit with a friend on the way. 

Dan took one look at me when he saw me and nearly had a fit. I wondered what he was getting so wound up about until he forcibly stood me in front of our bedroom mirror. My goodness.

The dress was close fitting pale lawn cotton, and practically see through. I was wearing a half-slip so nothing showed from the waist down, but from the waist up it was a different story completely. It took me several years to ask my friend why she hadn't said anything. She simply said she hadn't liked to as she knew I was just returning from town and she didn't know how to broach the subject.

I love comfortable bras more than anything. These vest-like garments with shelves are just plain awful. The shelves always move upwards and cut me in half the wrong way. I think men must've invented them.

I love satin bras, and also silk. I love pure cotton bras when it is hot. I love lacy bras, and bras with pretty straps that you can flaunt. I even have a bra that describes itself "like wearing a duvet". 

It has a padded sort of ledge that my boobs can nestle into!

I have bras for just about every occasion. 

Full bras, half bras, balcony bras, strapless bras, even a sexy Spanx-type garment (in black with gold lace sides) and with a very challenging (to get into) top half that you can wear both with or without straps.

I very rarely wear bras that match my knickers. I tend to pick out a colour in the knickers, and match the bra to the colour. After all, I sometimes wear, for example, a red top with a red bra underneath, and a white skirt with white or flesh-coloured knickers. 

About once a year I have to "de-clutter" my lingerie drawer. 

It nearly kills me. I have to recline with a very stiff gin after it! 

It is not something one can seek help with. Sigh.

By the way, did you know that over here we have certain charities that send "used bras in good condition" to Africa. 

I think at times that half the female population over there must be wearing my cast-off brassieres! But better than consigning them to the bin. I much prefer the thought that someone, somewhere is enjoying my Ted Bakers, La Perlas, Floozies, Triumphs and even my good old everyday Marks and Spencers!

Just imagine what it must have been like in the days before bras! 

"Cinch me into my stays would you, darling?!"

Thursday 5 March 2015

March = Question Time

The days are warming up, March is here, and Easter is only a few weeks away. What happens to time? It seems only a week or so ago it was Christmas?

March = Question Time here in Blogland.

It means that you all have the opportunity to ask me questions, either vanilla or pertaining to TTWD. I will try my best to answer them honestly. 

I always do my best to comment on posts I read, and in turn to answer comments on my posts. Sometimes it is difficult to do this immediately as life gets in the way, but I remember how thrilled I was to get comments when I first started to post, and how avidly I looked to see whether anyone had answered my comments on their posts. It helped me to get to know the people, and many of them are now firm friends.

You can direct your questions to either me or Dan, and I will try to ensure his answers are sensible ones. Please be aware that we are a couple with a great sense of humour, but we will also be happy to offer an opinion or point of view, if you so wish.

Monday 2 March 2015

Serenity, Peace and Harmony

Spring is on its way. The signs are everywhere. We have some beautiful snowdrops and tiny pink cyclamen under the trees in our garden.

We got back from our vacation last Monday after a good flight with the jet stream behind us. A whole hour early. It made a big difference as I am not one to be able to sleep on an aeroplane, and I get very wriggly after just a few hours.

We have returned to "March coming in like a lion".

"March brings breezes loud and shrill to stir the dancing daffodil".

The daffodils are not out yet and the breezes are more like miniature hurricanes! Watching the birds being blown across the sky is quite amusing.

Just a couple of days before we went on holiday we had some excellent news. Dan had the results of his MRI scan and was informed that he is completely clear of cancer following his High Frequency Ultrasound treatment last March. He will still need bi-annual blood tests and a yearly MRI scan, but we are happy with that. 

I just want to thank all of your who sent us prayers and support during the last couple of years. It is proof that the power of prayer is an amazing force. 

The stress just lifted from his shoulders, and also from mine. It was the best news ever and we were able to go away and really feel justified in enjoying ourselves. Talk about a 'Happy Dance'!

The morning before we were due to travel down to the airport, Dan pulled me over his lap for a "reminder and reinforcement" spanking. He could see that I was beginning to "bubble up" and his plan was to settle me and calm me down, as he knew it would be nigh impossible for any spanking to take place whilst away due to the thin walls between cabins on our cruise ship. Even love-making can be a challenge as I have a tendency for being noisy and energetic. Oh well.

Dan used two implements, our beloved Rose paddle and my hated little nipper. It was quite a hard spanking and when I happily thought it was finished a couple of times, it resumed even harder. 

I had a jolly good cry, and then to quote Katie "Some mighty fine loving followed."

It must seem strange to read how a spanking like this can result in such close and loving feelings towards each other, and how much it lifted my mood and helped me to remain calm whilst packing and travelling to our destination. But I can heartily recommend it.

Not only was I calm for the journey, but I remained calm and in a good frame of mind for our entire holiday. Only once did Dan need to raise his eyebrows and give me one "Settle down - now!" spank, and I quietened and became my usual self. Really I cannot remember such a peaceful and enjoyable holiday.

We did, however, have a funny "instance" whilst in a market in St Lucia. 

It was a wonderful place with fruit and vegetables lined up with toothpaste, cooking oil, handmade goods and clothing. A real eclectic mix.

I was happily looking at some beautifully made wooden salad servers and bowls, quite innocently, when Dan held something up to show me. 

I looked happily at him and giggled, not quite comprehending at first. 

"I should think this will hurt" he said to me conversationally, and went on to discuss aerodynamics. 

The stallholder looked at Dan knowingly and I almost died of embarrassment.

It is a slightly bigger edition of our Little Nipper, but rounded and it has "holes".

Despite my embarrassment a purchase was made. 

So this is our new implement:

It is made out of avocado wood and is highly polished. It is no thicker than the Little Nipper but Dan is quite correct - it has, shall we say, certain aerodynamic properties. LOL! Not!!

By the time we arrived home I had forgotten all about it. It had been packed in Dan's suitcase, so when I unpacked my clothes I didn't give it a thought.

No so Dan.

Having had my lovely "in bed" cup of coffee, on our very first morning back, Dan sat up in bed, rather meaningfully, and said "Right, time to get back to normal."

And he brandished what will be henceforth known as "The Big Nipper" at me. (He had detoured whilst getting the coffee and then concealed it craftily under his pillows.)

I went over his lap, not at all reluctantly. I know better now.

"Wow, this thing really works" Dan informed me.

"You don't need to tell me that" I looked sideways, trying to crane my neck in order to watch the action. I didn't really need to watch - I could feel!

"It gets you red ever so quickly" he added.

"Well thank you for that".

The happy compliance and giggles didn't last for long. This implement does everything it is fabled to do, and more. I found it quite difficult not to kick.

"I am told that it is best to relax and give in to it" I remarked to Dan. "But owww!! how I am meant to do that I just don't know!"

Luckily Dan heard me beginning to squeak a bit, and giving me "one for the road" he stopped. My eyes were just at the pre-brimming over point. My bottom felt glowing all over. Dan had really enjoyed himself.

He gave me the usual evil grin. "That should keep you compliant for a bit."

So, dear friends, I have decided that this is one implement which is not going to see the light of day except when the moon is blue. 

If it hurts as much as this with just smallish wrist flicks, how would it be if Dan felt I had overstepped the line? It is something I am not at all willing to find out.

We have grown a lot, Dan and I in this new life of ours, and long may the serenity, peace and harmony continue.

PS - I am always willing to direct other enterprising husbands to the little stall where the Big Nipper was purchased!